Wrong formula in a "Getting Started with Load Cells" article

Hi community and moderator,

I am writing this post to report about the Wheatstone bridge formula in this article https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ge … load-cells

To what I understand, the formula should be

Vout = (R3/(R3+R4) - R1/(R1+R2)) Vin

instead of the original

Vout = (R3/(R3+R4) - R2/(R1+R2)) Vin

I hope someone will correct me if I am the wrong person, but if I am right about this problem, moderator can edit the article for future reference. Thank you.

Actually, most of the moderators on this forum don’t have access to edit the tutorials. You can submit feedback on the tutorial using the link at the bottom of the comments section: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ge … ls/discuss

That is used for issues/correction in the tutorial content. I think you might be correct; I’ll make sure to pass the information along to the appropriate team to double check.

I have corrected the equation and added an alternative solution as well.