Xa1110 GPS-Part#GPS-14414

There is a blue LED that pulses.I assume it pulses when getting a fix.
The LED does noting it remains unlit.
I have the gps connected to a QT-PY via QWIIC running the example sketches in the SparkFun_I2C_GPS_Arduino_Library. The serial port displays
13:49:20.968 → Date: 1/6/2080 Time: 00:31:55
13:49:21.011 → Location not yet valid
I am using a external antenna which I know works with a ADAFRUIT Ultimate GPS.

Since the LED is not functioning, I assume the GPS module is defective.
Any help to get it working is apprecuiated or send a replacement GPS.


I believe you are likely correct because it isn’t even lighting up (verify the stemma/qwiic port on the QT-PY is working, if possible)

Was it purchased from us? If so head over to Returns (contact vendor if purchased elsewhere) and we’ll get ya squared away