Hi all first post here.
I have a network with 2 Xbee 2.5 Pro 50mW chip antenna, i’m trying the range the network can achive mainly indoor but the results right now surprise me negativelly, i obtain a stable communication since 50-60 meters indoor passing trough 2 or 3 big external wall i expected a llitle bit more, not the 400 mters declareb but at least 150-200.
Do you have any experience whit this modules and their range.
Same as me, i don’t know why just try to get more distant
i bought 2x of Xbee 50mw series 2.5 RP-SMA with big duck antena
Walls are not line of sight conditions.
You can do the math: Google for an RF link budget tool.
Tx power (dBm or mW) less path loss (distance and frequency dependent, laws of physics) + antenna gain or loss at each end = received signal strength. Add more losses for walls: Common drywall is about 2dB per layer (4 dB per wall). NIST has figures for other materials.
These 802.15.4 radios will work well with a received signal level of -90dBm, inclusive of antenna gain if any.
Antenna gain for the little wire whips is somewhere between 0 and 2dBi.
More range?
Get better line of sight.
Use module with U.FL or RP0-SMA connector and connect that to a gain antenna, directional or omni.
I got 1/2 to 3/4 mile line of sight with XBee PRO, 0dBi ant. on one end and 5.6dBi omni on the other, with the Omni elevated to 20 ft. (see “Fresnel zone”, in RF theory)
Which mode did you config from X-CTU for Xbee Pro ?
802.15.4 or ZB
I use SMA with 5dB gain Ant can only get about 70 meters. with XBP24-ZB one is condinator and another one is Rounter. Thank in Advance
Which mode did you config from X-CTU for Xbee Pro ?
802.15.4 or ZB
I use SMA with 5dB gain Ant can only get about 70 meters. with XBP24-ZB one is condinator and another one is Rounter. Thank in Advance
802.15.4. Range won’t be affected, just performance.
Ensure you have the PRO modules and the power setting is highest. In some countries, such as France and Japan, regulations limit the power. Japan limits to 10mW.
Thank stevech, I bought form 50mw 2.5 serries from Spark Fun with 2 large 5 dB duck antenna and it disappoint me. i got very short range, even 1-2 meters signal strenge start to drop. I don’t know why ??
and try to get some answer !! i expected to send signal at lease 1 Km or more.
I live in Thailand limited would be not effected.
1Km is too idealistic for these unlicensed low power units.
With some antenna gain and fairly good line of sight it will work.
Do a little reading up on RF propagation. The basic formula for free space loss is simple. You can accurately predict range, line of sight, with a spreadsheet or an on-line RF Link budget calculator, for your what-if on antenna choices.