Does anyone know of a way to get more than 60 mA out of the 3.3V pin on the Mega 2560? I am using the XBee Pro 900 RPSMA to transmit GPS coordinates. The GPS is using the 5V pin and the range we are getting is about 100 feet, LOS which cannot be right. We have added a simple 900 MHz duck antenna, which while not great still should provide more than 100 feet I would imagine. I measured the current to be 60 mA going to the Xbee, and since it takes 210 mA I guess this is the problem. Just cant think of a way around it.
Best would be use a separate 3.3V regulator for the XBee Pro not the 3.3V from the Mega boards regulator’s.
When the XBee transmits what is the Voltage at the XBee?