Xbee-PRO Series 2 problems

Hi all!

My XBee-PRO ZNet 2.5 modules have some serious issues.

I have one ZNET 2.5 COORDINATOR AT (1047) and three ZNET 2.5 ROUTER/END DEVICE AT (1247).

For some reason the end devices will only recieve (or send) data from the coordinator right after I program them. It’s like they don’t fint a network any longer. If they are without power for some minutes they stop working and I have to factory restore and then reprogram them again using the X-CTU software.

I will use this setup ten times, so I have tried this with 10 COORD and 30 ROUTER/END DEVICES and they are all showing the same behaviour.

The only connections I use are Vdd (3.3V), DIN, DOUT and GND.

Do anyone have any idea to what the problem might be?

Thanks in advance!

After setting the parameters with X-CTU did you issue the WR command to save the parameters to non-volatile memory?

That’s the first thing that occurred to me as well: are you sure you’re saving the settings?

The other obvious possibility is that your setup is issuing commands to the XBee to change some of the settings.

It’s also remotely possible, I suppose, that your setup is resetting the XBees to their default settings in some weird way.

It’s hard to imagine how else they could lose programming. Have you looked at the device settings using XCTU after the problem arises?

I belive I may have “solved” the “problem”.

When I calibrated the devices that uses the end device modules I used a different coordinator from the one I use in the final solution.

And I’m guessing, even though the new and old coordinators have the same PAN ID somehow the end devices failed to recognize the new one.

SO when I made a factory reset and re did all the settings and connected them to the “correct” coordinator from the beginning it seems to be working.

I will know more to morrow when I get back to work and see if they work wen I plug the power back in.