Thanks for the info guys. Im wanting to do a Wireless Sensor Network in my apartment, and Ive selected 2mW Series 2 Xbees. I know I have to have one plugged into the computer, and one up to each of the sensors. Now whats really confusing me: Does this work similar to the concept of WiFi, where there is one base station broadcasting and receiving, and then the little nodes send off their data? Or do I have to have a base station for each node that is transmitting (like two-way radio’s)?
Well nothing says one *has* to be connected to a computer... that's a design decision ;-)
A bit different from WiFi in that there is not necessarily a “base” station … again that may be a design decision. Every network needs exactly one node which is the network coordinator, but that has to do with network formation and not data flows.
Also, is there a limit to the number of nodes I can have in a network? Does the bandwidth get limited (or is there a point where theres so much interference that you cant received from all the nodes at the same time)? Will I be able to switch frequencies as you can do with WiFi and RC?
Interference per se is not a problem, that's all handled for us! I'd have to look it up, I think the node limit is rather large, and other practical considerations tend to prevail like network congestion, bandwidth etc. XBees aren't meant to send huge amounts of data continually, that's one place a person could get in trouble, and another is broadcast transmissions which tend to require a lot of network overhead. I think frequency switching can be forced, but normally I'd think there's little need to do so, again, the hardware is very smart and just takes care of a lot of these details. Each network has an ID, called the PAN ID (Personal Area Network) which is a 16-bit number. Multiple networks can operate simultaneously on the same frequencies with different PAN IDs, I have done this without difficulty.
Also, are there drivers for the Xbee, or does it work just serially through the Microcontroller Im using ( probably the Arduino or the Teensy in this case)?
Since you're using S2, I highly recommend the library I linked to above, and also Faludi's book, it brought me up to speed very quickly. If you don't mind a little light reading, the [[Digi Product Manual](http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/90000976_G.pdf) is invaluable.
Lots of questions I know, but these are very important.
Indeed they are :wink:](http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/90000976_G.pdf)