Xbee Transmission problems

Hi Guys

Ok having set up my 2 xbees, im getting a weird problem. Data is going fine from router/end device to co-ordinator but not the other way.

If i try to send data from co-ordinator to router/end it either fails completely or is massively delayed.

Any ideas??



Seems the exact same problem as this guy is having…


sorry I can’t help as these are Series 2 XBees that use the Ember chipset (I have no experience with these)

The Series 1 are intended for non-ZigBee applications, though series 2 reportedly can also do wireless UART emulation. I think Digi’s firmware for this is essentially the same as for Series 1. But it may be that most users of series 2 (Ember) products are using ZigBee.

Hey Stevech, Its Ben from the zbasic forum.

Thanks for your response, im running out of ideas here. So are you saying there is a different firmware package for wireless UART, cant see anything on their site.


Try this solution:


Hey Stevech, Its Ben from the zbasic forum.

Thanks for your response, im running out of ideas here. So are you saying there is a different firmware package for wireless UART, cant see anything on their site.


Digi has wireless UART firmware - I think it ships as the default in Series 1. Perhaps Series 2 ships with ZigBee as the default; I don’t know.

Thanks etracer, this worked a treat!