Xbee Wireless Sketch Upload

Has anyone really been successful at uploading a sketch over Xbee? Without using the custom bootlader on Sparkfun’s site?


Looks like you can’t use the IDE to upload.

I tired with the remote reset and still can’t get it to work. I have a Arduino UNO and it resets and looks like it will but error’s out. I don’t have the error at the moment but I just wanted to see if anyone else has actually been able to do it reliable.

I haven’t tried it yet, but I think you need to use screamer with the updated bootloader.

Yeah I think so too. I haven’t been able to find the hex file after you compile a sketch in the Arduino IDE.

Hold down the shift key when you click the upload button. This will trigger the verbose output option. The temporary directory where the hex file is created will be revealed. The hex files are deleted when you close the sketch.

Thanks I will try that. I guess I will have to wait till I get a AVR programmer to load the new bootloader. Really a hassle to remove the shields to upload a sketch.

If you have another arduino duemilanove you can make that into a programmer by flashing a sketch from what I remember.

If you only have only one, I think I’ve seen converting the board (Soldering a 4 pin header into the FTDI area) and connecting that header to the ICSP area and bit bang your way to a new bootloader.

Here’s the link http://www.geocities.jp/arduino_diecimi … n.html#top

Even though I have a programmer, I think I may do this conversion anyway to my two boards just to play around.


Thanks, I don’t have another Arduino yet, but I hope to get some gift certs for xmas and then want to order some more projects. Thanks for the link.

Hi All,

So a customer came to us with this tutorial; http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardFioProgramming that I’ve found works well. At this point, I’ve only used the Fio XBeeConfigTool, I tried adjusting the settings in X-CTU, but am pretty liberal with my use of the scroll wheel and I feel I messed up the settings. I haven’t gotten a chance to try again yet, but if you have the means, give it a try and let me know how it works out for you.



SFE Tech Support

I had read that link as well. They all pretty much follow the same setup and they all say it works. I think the only reliable one is the sparkfun since it changes the bootloader to more tolerant of wireless, can even resume.

Going to try this…

http://randomstuff-ole.blogspot.com/200 … -xbee.html

I had tried it before with manual reset but not with the commandline

This would be better than nothing.