I have 2 XBee series2 modules. I configured one as router and one has coordinator, set the the parameters using XCTU and realized the communication succesfully.But recently one of the modules which i configured as router developed some problem.whenever I try to press the test /query on pc settings tab of XCTU software, it doest recognise the modem. I dont see the modem type XB24-B. There is also no Indication of the firmware version.Due to this problem I am unable to realize the communication now. Why does this happen. Please help me.
Thank you for your reply I just checked the digi forum and I got the solution for my problem.I have one doubt
I have configured the 2 Xbee modules with the following values.
For Coordinator
MY = 512D
DL = 0
DH = 0
For router
MY = 0
DL = 512D
DH = 0
For both the xbees PAIN ID is 234
Now transmission is always taking place between router to coordinator and not from coordinator to router.That is the two way communication is not being possible. can u tell me the reason for it? What correction should i make for two way communication ?