XRP + Raspberry Pi 4/5

I am planning to get a couple XRP platforms for teaching and research. I was curious if the XRP architecture and software stack would support the integration of an RPI4/5. I want to be able to add more advanced autonomy capabilities and send commands/get sensor data from the XRP. Thanks!

Half and half… read more details about the languages availed here https://xrpusersguide.readthedocs.io/en … ware-tools though note to use a pi4 (with the XRP PCB) you’d need to de-solder the rp2040 pcb from it and run wires

The XRP code editor expects/runs micropython code as-is, but is open-source and could likely be modified to suit your purposes

So there is no serial API over the USB where I could have the RPI4 send/receive commends with the rp2040 PCB? My typical robot architectures are the low level platform with micro, then a larger embedded system to manage that system.