A few weeks ago I bought an Olimex AT91SAM7S64 board, I’ve installed the YAGARTO toolchain, IDE etc following J. Lynch tutorial but I’m stuck at compilation time with this error:
make -k all
arm-elf-gcc -I./ -c -fno-common -O0 -g main.c
arm-elf-gcc: _spawnv: No such file or directory
make: *** [main.o] Erreur 1
I have downloaded the latest version from their website & I configured everything but can’t find the solution.
I have reinstalled many times trying different paths, I also checked the PATH environment variable… nothing.
With the command line (cmd.exe) I can get make working from any directories, the same goes for arm-elf-gcc :
C:\Documents and Settings\Julien>arm-elf-gcc
arm-elf-gcc: no input files
C:\Documents and Settings\Julien>make
make: *** Pas de cibles spÚcifiÚes et aucun makefile n'a ÚtÚ trouvÚ. ArrÛt.
For the moment I’m using a demo version of IAR workbench & everything is fine but I would like to use the Open Source tools if possible.
J. Lynch makes you download the latest version of Yagarto from the yagarto website in his tutorial. I have not used the Olimex version.
Following the instructions in the link you gave:
Test your installation
Now we want to make a short test if the compiler is available. Therefore open a command prompt and type:
C:>arm-elf-gcc --version
C:\Documents and Settings\Julien\Mes documents\Programmation\test>arm-elf-gcc --version
arm-elf-gcc (GCC) 4.1.1
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Finally we want to test the compiler again. Use your favorite editor and create a file called main.c with the following content:
int main (void)
When you have saved this file, type the following command:
arm-elf-gcc main.c
C:\Documents and Settings\Julien\Mes documents\Programmation\test>arm-elf-gcc main.c
arm-elf-gcc: _spawnv: No such file or directory
C:\Documents and Settings\Julien>make --version
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Ceci est un logiciel libre ; voir le source pour les conditions de copie.
Il n'y a PAS de garantie ; tant pour une utilisation COMMERCIALE que pour
Ce logiciel est construit pour i386-pc-mingw32
I’ll try on another computer tomorrow, and if it works I’ll just copy the whole folder over my dev laptop && export the windows reg keys.
I thought it would be java, so I installed the latest runtime but nothing changed on my laptop… I uninstalled some other compilers but still the same problem.
There should be no problem to have multiple eclipse IDE on the same computer, there have not been any problems before Yagarto.
Ah well, I’ll try to get a working toolchain under linux, I already have one for the PXA270. Anybody tried the AT91SAM7 under linux ?