Zed-F9P no antenna power

I have a Zed-F9p RTK-2 and can not get a fix. There seems to be no power to the antenna, but pretty sure its turned on in u-center as per pics below. Antenna is a spark fun SPK6618H.
I cant get a voltage from the antenna centre pin to outer.
Have I got a faulty Zed f9? can I put an external voltage supply to the antenna?

Not sure it’s gated on/off by the ZED

It comes from VRF via a 10R resistor and an inductor, probably 27nH

Check the inductor hasn’t blown like a fuse, check the voltage on the east side of the 10R.

Check you don’t have a short in the cable.

Check you can power the antenna with a bench supply, shouldn’t pull more than 10-15mA at

Alternatively you could get a Bias-Tee with a DC block, and inject a voltage to the antenna via that.

Any choice of bias-Tee, Lots out there and electronics is not my strong suite just yet, but I am working on it?

And then some SMA to TNC adapters, or whatever you need to mix-n-match your cable, etc.

Thanks heaps Clive, I have ordered some parts, wont be here until end of Jan though.
Will update when I have tried it out.

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