ZED-F9P update rate

Hi team,

I would increase the F9P update rate by setting the CFG-RATE via u-center. For example, if I would set 50ms (20Hz), should I need to update both the base device and rover device with the same one, or I should only need to update the base?

Also, according to the datasheet document of ZED-F9P, there are 3 rate parameters. The RTK update rate is up to 8Hz, PVT is up to 10Hz, and RAW is up to 20Hz in GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS mode. I am wondering if I set the CFG-RATE, which rate parameter will be updated? If the RTK rate will be updated, I couldn’t set the value lower than 125ms (8Hz), right?

I am using a PX4-based drone, and I tried to set CFG-RATE, but it seems PX4 will automatically rewrite my setting by default. Do you have any advice to stop PX4 rewriting?

Many thanks.


This might be best determined experimentally; but I believe the update rates need to match

As for the pixhawk, it looks like maybe performing a save and/or changing the settings filename might help? Poke around their site https://docs.px4.io/v1.9.0/en/advanced_ … eters.html

I don’t have a similar setup to try; report back here with your findings! :smiley:

Hi TS-Russell,

Thanks for your reply, and I will double-check if both settings should be matched.

For the mentioned pixhawk’s link, it’s a general parameter setting process for flight control, but there are no parameters related to changing the GPS rate. Anyways, I will continue looking into it to see if I could change some parts of the source code to enable or disable pixhawk’s rewriting.