I’m trying to use ZX Distance and Gesture sensor (SEN-13162) which is placed behind the semi-transparent mirror (70% opacity). After making optical separation to avoidcrosstalk by stray light inside the housing between transmitters and receiver, the sensor can detect gestures but only with limited range (up to 7cm). Also Z coordinate is limited: ~240@7cm, ~70@1cm from sensor.
This seems like a problem due to mirror semi-transparency - received IR signal is weaker as expected by the microcontroller.
Could you please advise how to “calibrate” gesture sensor, so it can be used behind various semi-transparent surfaces like semi-transparent mirrors with increased range (~20cm)? It would be great to allow users to modify sensor parameters like:
Increase IR LED power / PWM freq (boost level)?
Change receiver sensitivity levels?
Modify PIC16F1823 firmware (I’ve noticed some undocumented pins on the top of the sensor)?
I’ve studies “GestureSense XZ01 Sensor I2C Register Map” but there is no option to “re-calibrate” it.
I love the sensor because of its design - IR transmitters and receiver are separated by enough free space, other IR sensors have those too close.
Also, XYZ version of the gesture sensor would be great (with swipe UP/DOWN gestures
Thank you for your ideas!