Hi guys,
for an upcoming project I will need to translate 12V digital output signals from a series of industrial retro-reflectice IR sensors (like [this one) in order to be read from an Arduino board.
What kind of “converter board” can I use?
I have read that several strategies can be considered:
- using relays (but I don't consider it the preferred route);
- using transistors like the 2N2222 and a few electrical components on the side;
- using optocouplers (which seems to me to be the preferable way).
About the optocouplers solution:
- are there any disadvantages that I should evaluate?
- Are there breakout boards in your catalog that already mount one or more optocouplers for the purpose?
- Are there other strategies that I haven't considered?
Thank you so much for your help](Buy Datalogic Retroreflective photo sensor S100-PR-5-C00-PK 950811190 10 - 30 V DC 1 pc(s) | Conrad Electronic)
you can also use 2 resistors serial: 10K and 6k8. The max voltage over the 6k8 resistor ~ 4.85V which can be used for the Arduino.
If the sensor output is truly digital, you could use a level converter such as: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12009
These things are truly multi-use; not just for “logic” level signals.