Interfacing AVR with higher voltage devices?

Hi there,

How do you interface devices at higher voltage (12V or 24V) with AVR? Thanks



When you say “interface”, do you mean you need to read sensors with an output voltage of 12V or 24V or

that you need to control devices that use that voltage?

(i think this should really be in the projects section of this forum)

When you say “interface”, do you mean you need to read sensors with an output voltage of 12V or 24V or

that you need to control devices that use that voltage?

(i think this should really be in the projects section of this forum)

The interfacing invovles both controlling (on/off) and reading a value of a sensor. Thanks

Maybe you could use a resistor divider to read it and a MOSFET to control it… I haven’t thought it through,

just an idea for you to think about using (or for someone else to expand on)… :wink:

If it is a digital sensor and you wanted to over-design you could always use an opto-coupler :lol:

For just a 12v or 24v system you can use a resistor network or BJT arrangement, depending on if it is just unidirectional or bidirectional communication.

Is this an analog output of the sensor a resistor divider should work fine.

Any more information you have about the 12/24v device would be helpful.