Hello all.
I got my MT-128 and have made some small test program
But Timer1 & timer2 dont seems to work
Config Timer2 = Timer , Prescale = 256
On Timer2 Mytimer2
Config Timer1 = Timer , Prescale = 256
On Timer1 Mytimer1
Enable Interrupts
‘main prg’
Enable Timer1
Enable Timer2
Disable Interrupts
’ do something *****
Enable Interrupts
Disable Interrupts
’ do something *****
Enable Interrupts
if I use this the Buzzer ticks fast all time what is wrong
but buzzer is on (int4/int5) (OC3B/OC3C )
is it the INT0 / INT1 that make this form timers ?
seen like the board of MT-128 is werey sencitiv if you try to push a buttom if freak out and make balck dots in display have to reset it again
allmost like something is bad connectet have found 1 error
The 32Khz xtal have contact to the transistor pin have moved it a littel from the transistor
Is it me or can the board have a Error or be defeckt ?
the power is run from battt dc 12v