Accelerometer ADXL335 + Arduino Mega Problem

I am trying the ADXL335 sparkfun breakout board with Arduino Mega, using the example sketch that comes with the Arduino environment.

I get random data, and when I disconnect the X, Y, Z wires the randomness remains. So, no readings :frowning:

When I looked around, I found an ADXL335 sparkfun note ( which says - connecting it to 5V will cause permanent damage. I am new to Arduino - I know there is 5V on the board, but the wiring for the example sketch is through Analog Inputs. Anyway - is the board now permamently damaged? And if I get a new one, how do I not damage it?

The caution is really in regards to how you supply power to the ADXL335. Itโ€™s an ~3V device. Connecting itโ€™s + power input (labelled Vcc on the breakout board) to +5V might damage it. So how did you connect the power and ground pins ?

When you say you had random data, what kind of values were you seeing ? W/o anything connected to the Arduino, Iโ€™d expect you to see low numbers, near zero. With the ADXL335 connected and powered properly, those numbers should have indicated about 1.65 V or around 338 (on average).