Accelerometer without soldering

I have been trying to find a low-cost, analog output accelerometer board that does not require soldering, something like the ADXL335. My students have Arduinos, but not soldering equipment. Does anyone have any suggestions for an accelerometer board where the headers are presoldered? Thanks in advance.

Unfortunately we don’t carry an analog accelerometer that has pins soldered too it. We do have some digital accelerometers that utilize the solderless Qwiic system but they are a bit more tricky to use than an analog sensor.

It’s not ideal but out of what we carry you’re probably best off getting part number [SEN-09269 along with some straight headers ([PRT-00116) and soldering them all up before passing them out to your students.

A simple soldering iron like [TOL-09507 and solder like [TOL-09325 would be more than enough to assemble hundreds of boards.](](](Break Away Headers - Straight - PRT-00116 - SparkFun Electronics)](

Soldering is not hard to learn. There are some great videos on youtube and on the Sparkfun site showing you how to do it, and what to watch out for.

Thanks, but it’s not the soldering that is the problem; I can do that easily. Unfortunately, I have 70 students located all around the country, so the logistics of ordering the accels, soldering them, then mailing them out to 70 different addresses is going to be a bit much for me to handle at this time. I was hoping for a more turn-key solution where the logistics was put on the students’ shoulders. I do appreciate suggestions, though.