Can you offer the ADXL202/210/213 accelerometer as a kit?
The ADXL202 breakout board is offered with a “bag of parts” option. That’s everything but the accelerometer itself, which you can get free samples of from Analog Devices.
Or am I missunderstanding what you’re looking for (my apologies if I am)?
Well, you have an assembled board, which I assume you’re assembling?..I was wondering if you could sell it unassembled, and for less money.
I ordered a bag of parts from you already and used it use with the free accelerometer I already got from Analog, but I wanted another one so that I can have 3D measurement. And I hate to keep asking them for free samples.
OK, I just got the full skinny on this from Nate…
The reason we sell everything short of the chip itself is because we are not an AD distributor. AD has agreements with Digikey, Mouser, Newark…(others?) AD has certain obligations under those agreements, one of those obligations being that there are no other distributors. In short, we’re not allowed to sell loose AD components, but we can sell our own products with AD components on them.
Okay, thanks.