
Hi there. I am trying to read serial data via I2C from the ACS37800 power measurement unit, but not succeeding. I have confirmed that the unit works via ACS37800 ->[QWIIC] Redboard ->[USB] Computer, but I would like to remove the Redboard and couple like ACS37800 ->[I2C] Jetson since the Jetson has a GPIO header with I2C support. However, I am unable to find anything on the bus at the default address of 0x60. The LED on the board lights up when all cables are connected, so something works. I have tried two ACS units and two Jetsons so I think I am just failing to set it up correctly.

Should this work at all? Or is an arduino-like required to detect and read and parse data?

Hi @peredwardsson,

Apologies, I have no experience with Jetson. Hopefully somebody else will be able to give you a few pointers.

Best wishes,


Would it work on a Raspberry Pi then? Same GPIO header.