ACS723 current sensor : changing input Voltage

IS it possible to feed the ACS723 (or ACS712) sensor 3.3 V (The voltage on the ESP32) instead of 5?

And then calculate with Vmax = 3.3 instead of 5 and V0 = Vmax/2 ?

Thank you !

Link for référence :

Good afternoon KMN.

The [datasheet for the ACS723 specifies a minimum operating voltage of 4.5 volts so it won’t work correctly at 3.3 volts. You’d need to power that with 5 volts and then scale the output of the ACS723 with a voltage divider to no more than 3 volts to prevent damaging the ESP32.

(see [this page for an explanation why you don’t want to exceed 3 volts on a ADC pin[/i])](ESP32 Analog Input with Arduino IDE | Random Nerd Tutorials)](