AD8232 ECG output signal random noise Arduino


I made the setup as described in the hookup guide for the AD8232 ECG. I tried with an Arduino micro and an Arduino Feather M0, and with neither the ECG is working (the output seems more or less random, or meaningless). For the rest of the steps I think everything should be alright. With these Arduino boards of course we need no FTDI, so that part is not included. See attached files with setup and outputs.

This setup should be working with these chips right? I mean I see no reason why it would fail.

Attached the picture of the output with the Arduino micro.

I already followed your tips on the hookup guide.

Can you help me further please?

Where do you have the leads placed?

Also, make sure you’re laying down and perfectly still while taking measurements. If you move at all, that will confuse the AD8232 and cause random output.

The leads are placed on the chest as indicated in the pictures. Also I did some research on that, so those are fine.

My friend and I found out about something else that is causing problems and that most probably other people experienced too.

Aside from the electronic interferences caused in the room we are working in that could be seen as ‘expected’, we have some electrical contacts not being grounded making the problem worse (old room).

Turns out when we get to another electronics free room, with grounded electrical contacts, we get a signal that is much more promising than the noise you could see in the pictures. We are testing it now, but seems that was the problem.