AD8232 for football players performance

Hello everyone
I’m using ad8232 for a vest that football players can use where the sensor will show the heart rate and ECG for the players
but I have two problems:
first one → I can not measure the heart rate and the ECG from the same chip at the same time, actually I can not measure the heart rate from the ad8232, so how can I measure it?

second one → What are the things that I must do or care about to reduce the noise as much as I can in the ECG signal?

Here’s the HR example AD8232 Heart Rate Monitor Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn

You might need to use non-blocking code to read them at the same time…or use a function that groups them together

Time in seconds between peaks in received data multiplied by 60 is heart rate.

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I use Arduino IDE, and I used this code but the output data from it when I use the serial plotter, it shows the ECG
so I don’t still know what to do, so I would be pleased if you could explain in more detail the steps that I need to do