AD8232 for muscolar activity


I’m trying to use your sensor to detect muscolar activity of breathing muscles to create a pulmonary ventilator for Covid eme regency. 1st test was good and I have a video of that but now the sensors seems working non properly… It seems detecting heart in steat of what I need and I ve tried it on the same patient and same position. The only different thing are pads but I suppose that they are more or less the same… Tomorrow I will try with another type… Please help me if you have any type of suggestions. Thanks

Best regards l


The AS8232 was designed to detect heartbeats. I do not know if you can use it on other muscles.

We do carry a product called the [Myoware Muscle Sensor but I can not say if that will work with the muscles associated with breathing.

I’m afraid I don’t have any other advice for you.](MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor - DEV-21265 - SparkFun Electronics)

Can you kindely test the other sensor on the diapragm and check for the signal observed?

Can you explain me how i can modify the level of the inner filters (if they are adjustable) ?

I would mofify also the gain

is it possible?

I’m afraid we can not assist with either of your requests.
