Myoware 2.0 Muscle Sensor

I recently purchased the Myoware 2.0 Muscle Sensor and it seems that the sensor is not detecting muscle activity. I have followed the diagram posted on the SparkFun site and used the sample code. I wipe the muscle surface with alcohol wipes beforehand, I make sure to not touch the mousepad or keyboard while the sensor is connected, and I do not have my laptop connected to a power supply. The connection is not soldered, but I used tape to ensure constant connection (I also ran it without the tape) . I’ve also tried different positioning and code to no progress. Pictures of my setup and a text file of the code I am using are attached. Is the sensor faulty?

Myoware2.0Code.txt (392 Bytes)

Have you adjusted the gain? If not, kindly adjust the gain by varying the onboard potentiometer. Try the code given by Sparkfun and see if the output changes with the contraction of your biceps muscle. If no improvement, perhaps there is something wrong with the product.

Thank you for your reply. Yes, I tried adjusting the gain but the sensor still did not detect any muscle activity. We are looking to contact Sparkfun in terms of any assistance in this matter before any possible refunds or compensation for the likely faulty sensor. If you have any ideas or suggestions please let me know, thanks.

It looks like data spikes/action potentials are shown on the serial read-out; what function isn’t working?

The data spikes are only created when the wire is moved. Here is a graph that more accurately depicts our results. Flexing was done throughout the time shown in the graph. The single spike was due to wire movement.

I have the same problem with the sensor, it has not been detecting muscle activity, it does not record or see a signal when muscle movement is made.

The data spikes are only created when the wire is moved. Here is a graph that more accurately depicts our results. Flexing was done throughout the time shown in the graph. The single spike was due to wire movement.

Hy @By dye,

Did you find a way to solve the sensor problem?