Add L5 band to RTK Express

Would it be possible to integrate the NEO-F9P (Qwiic) or UM980 into my RTK Express to add L5 band capability?

I’ll take a swing at this… but I’m sure a SF employee will chime in.

I’m not sure how you could easily “integrate” the NEO with the ZED (RTK Express).
You would have 2 independent GNSS engines providing solutions.

The same goes for the UM980. One might consider the UM980 as a replacement to the ZED, since it covers basically the same frequency bands of the ZED, plus L5.

However, you might be refering to basically reusing the enclosure/LiPo from the RTK Express ?

The NEO-F9P (Qwiic) module is similar to the ZED-F9P and does not support L5. So, it wouldn’t add L5 capability. The UM980 module supports L1, L2, and L5 bands and could be integrated to achieve the desired L5 capability.

Not easily, but you could use SparkFun GNSS Correction Data Receiver - NEO-D9S (Qwiic) - GPS-19390 - SparkFun Electronics along with the RTK Express’ data output and have those as inputs to a 3rd device/MCU that then pipes data elsewhere
GNSS Correction Data Receiver (NEO-D9S) Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn

I’d sooner suggest either getting a F9P for the D9s (if you already have a D9s); or getting SparkFun GNSS Combo Breakout - ZED-F9P, NEO-D9S (Qwiic) - GPS-22560 - SparkFun Electronics instead of trying to use it with the RTK Express

We also carry standalone units that is basically a combo of everything mentioned above