ADXL321 accelerometer wiring

I’m a newbie electronics experimenter so please forgive my naivete, but I’ve wired an ADXL321 accelerometer breakout board into circuits intended to become a musical instrument with an LED Chaser board (from All Electronics, if I’m allowed to include that information: … T/-/1.html). I’m running the Chaser and ADXL321 on separate batteries (9V former, two AAAs latter), and have wired the ADXL321 inline with an 820K potentiometer with hopes of controlling LED sequence speed from the accelerometer and pot. When I turn on power from the AAA batteries to the ADXL321, it gets quite hot to the touch. Am I missing something necessary to avoid cooking it? Thanks very much for any advice.

Oops, nevermind. Operator wiring error. Sorry.