Air pressure sensor ms5611

Any chance sparkfun guys can provide us with [this sensor breakout board?

MPL3115A2 that currenntly presented is triple less accurate than ms5611.

May be with community support we can argue them to? =)

WBR Maxx](

We work with the distributors and sell both the [chip and the [module, both in Europe and in the USA, which should help you until their is a red PCB version :slight_smile: These modules are very popular with drone builders due to the 10cm altitude accuracy.

kind regards

Ian.](Embedded Adventures - Products - MS5611 absolute air pressure module - MOD-1009)](Embedded Adventures - Products - MS5611 absolute air pressure module - COM-MS5611)

We have a breakout on the design schedule for one of the MS56XX sensors, we haven’t decided on the exact model quite yet. Expect to see it late spring to summer.