ALFA Network Wifi HaLow Hat - setup script not working?


I recently purchased two RPi 4s and two WRL-19956 ALFA Network HaLow HATs to test out HaLow networking capabilities. I am following along with the Getting Started documentation … arted_New/.

I have installed a fresh copy of RPi OS 32-bit on two SD cards, set up the default username/password, and ran the one-liner curl command.

However, when the script runs, it never finishes. It looks like it is missing a package wireshark-gtk is missing, but the script simply reboots when the script can’t be found and tries again. It keeps giving a message that “The system need reboot. Please press any key to continue”, but it just reboots, fails to find the package, and tries to reboot again.

Is there an updated version of the script available? Has anyone else encountered this issue, and know how to fix it?

It sounds like you’re encountering a script issue where it continuously loops due to missing dependencies.

Things to try

  1. Manually Install wireshark-gtk:

Since the script fails due to a missing package, try installing wireshark-gtk manually to see if it resolves the dependency issue.

sudo apt update

sudo apt install wireshark-gtk

If wireshark-gtk is not available (since it might have been replaced or deprecated), try installing the current version of Wireshark:

sudo apt install wireshark

Note: During the installation, you might be prompted about non-superusers being able to capture packets. Choose “Yes” or “No” based on your preference.

  1. Check for Updated Script:

Visit the official Alfa Network documentation or support page to see if there is an updated version of the script available

[Alfa Network Support]( … arted_New/)

  1. Modify the Script:

If you’re comfortable with editing scripts, you can download the script and manually remove or modify the part where it checks for wireshark-gtk and causes the reboot loop. Look for any lines in the script related to wireshark-gtk and replace them with wireshark.

curl -O [URL to script]

nano [script name]

Search for wireshark-gtk and replace it with wireshark, then save the file and run the script again.

  1. Disable Automatic Reboot:

Temporarily disable the automatic reboot by commenting out or removing those lines in the script. This will allow you to see the full error message and address any other missing dependencies.

Comment out the reboot line


  1. Contact Support:

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, consider reaching out to Alfa Network’s support for assistance. Provide them with details of the issue, and they may be able to provide a patched script or additional instructions.

Example of Manual Steps

Here is an example of how you might manually download and edit the script:

Download the script

curl -O … /

Edit the script


Look for any lines containing wireshark-gtk and modify them

For example:

sudo apt install wireshark-gtk

Change to:

sudo apt install wireshark

Save the script and make it executable

chmod +x

Run the script


If none of that works…maybe try 64-bit Pi OS or contact ALFA/Pi forums for more support