I want to measure wind speed and charge a battery, using the same motor. One wire from the motor is going into an analog pin of an arduino clone, the other to the ground. Can the same wires also go into the battery? Could I build a voltage dividing circuit, in which 1/20 of the voltage went to the arduino and the rest to the battery? If the voltage were divided and the arduino asleep, does the arduino still consume the voltage going into the input? Does it ever consume it?
wind speed is usually done in a method other than with a motor and wind cups or some such.
It’s usually a shaft spun by wind cups or a fan-like device. The shaft causes a small disk to rotate. That disk has optical holes in it to cause light or infrared beam to be interrupted at a rate proportional to the shaft speed (RPM). A calibration procedure converts the interrupted-light beam (pulse) frequency (pulses per second) to wind speed in mph or m/sec. This is non-linear and may be need to be measured to yield a calibration table.
Low cost weather stations such as from LaCrosse use this method.
A motor would have too much friction to overcome without huge cups.
I’m not actually making a wind speed meter. Wind speed is just one of the inputs for my project, which I am hoping to also power using wind. THe motors are brushless and come from disk drives.