Arduino_Apollo3 server problem

I am trying to recognize an image using an apollo3 board and Arduino, but the following error occurs when using the board manager.
I think there is a problem with the server. What is the solution?

Downloading packages
Failed to install platform: ‘SparkFun:apollo3:1.2.1’.
Error: 13 INTERNAL: Server responded with: 403 Forbidden

added board manager site

Hi @moon4owl ,

The package manager link looks correct…

Version 1.2.1 is very old, but the v1.2.1.tar.gz is still available. Are you able to install the latest version 2.2.1?

Best wishes,

Hello there – I am seeing the same issue as the OP; cannot seem to be able to find a workaround/solution yet. Adding the json descriptor URL to the additional sources seems to work fine as the Arduino IDE can read it and shows various boards.
Alas, the install fails with server response 403 Forbidden…

The URLs for the tool dependencies are all forbidden and even a browser gets 403 response…
i.e :

Hi @moon4owl @BGanov ,

Ah! Apologies. This has happened before. It was caused by the Arduino IDE being seen as a “non-browser user agent”. I will ask IT to take a look. This will hopefully be fixed on Monday.

Best wishes,

Should be working now

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Hi @BGanov @moon4owl ,

We have updated the URL in the board manager JSON file. Please try again.

Thank you for reporting this issue,

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@PaulZC, @SFE-SysAdmin,

Thank you guys for the quick turnaround! Just tested by removing my hack-ishly manually installed board and deps/tools and used the updated json file. Worked out fine!

Thanks and Cheers,

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Thank you very much. Problem solved!

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