Arduino Pro Mini fuse and lock bytes don't match expected values from Atmel datasheet

After much research, and careful experimentation, I still cannot reconcile the values displayed by AVRdude for the fuse and lock bytes of my Sparkfun Pro Mini against the Atmel datasheet for the ATmega328P microprocessor. I read the values of the fuse and lock bytes using the following command:

...\avrdude.exe" -C"C:\Users\Bob2\Documents\Ardiuno_IDE-1.8.19_Portable\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf" 
-patmega328p -carduino -PCOM3 -b57600  -u -Ulfuse:r:lfuse.hex:i -Uhfuse:r:hfuse.hex:i -Uefuse:r:efuse.hex:i 
-Ulock:r:lock.hex:i -v -D

The resulting output for every one of the fuse bytes and the lock byte as well are all zero (0x00). Yet the Atmel documentation indicates that there should be several non-zero bits within these bytes.

So my question is this: am I doing something wrong when reading these bytes, or is there a reason why they are all actually zero?

Not entirely sure, I suppose it could be a few things. Are you experiencing issue with addressing, or what?

Try posting an issue here … is%3Aissue and maybe someone form engineering can answer