Arduino project to custom PCB

Hey, I have an Arduino project I made with a friend who did most of the coding and we are interested in manufacturing custom PCB’s (possibly using a different controller) to sell. Does anyone have any advice for a newbie on how to create a more cost effective board for my own application? I’ve heard AVR-gcc but I am not sure.

Also, I will probably need someone to do the CAD work and/or programming so if you have any recommendations please let me know. Thanks!

AVR-GCC is a compiler; in fact, it is used behind the scenes in the Arduino programming environment. To create the board, you will need a schematic capture and layout package. There are quite a few around; I prefer KiCAD, but around here, Eagle is quite popular. I don’t think you can use the free version of Eagle for stuff you plan to sell, however…


I can do the schematic, design the PCB and have board fabricated for you…