Arduino TensorFlow Lite library for SparkFun Artemis Nano


Is there an Arduino TensorFlow Lite library available for download for the SparkFun Artemis Nano? I have been trying using … o-examples but it requires many changes in the source code. Otherwise, do you have a tutorial that shows exactly the steps required to run a ML model on this platform?

Many thanks in advance for your help.

We do not have a tutorial for this :frowning:

Feel free to share the steps here if you end up running TFLite on the Artemis Nano!

Hi! Many thanks for your reply!

No problem at all. I was just checking because I am writing the second edition of the tinyML Cookbook ( … 145&sr=8-3) and I will be using this board to showcase some tinyML projects. Since there is no pre-built Arduino Library for TensorFlow Lite, I will provide a guide on GitHub ( to explain how to generate it for this board.

Many thanks for your help.

Gian Marco

Awesome! Thank you!


Hi, for those interested in using the latest TensorFlow Lite for Microcontroller library, I wrote a guide and prepared a Colab notebook to generate the library compatible for almost all Arduino compatible platforms (including the SparkFun RedBoard Artemis Nano).

Everything is in the GitHub repository of the TinyML Cookbook, 2E (GitHub - PacktPublishing/TinyML-Cookbook_2E: TinyML Cookbook, 2E_Published by Packt)

In particular:

The guide: …

The Colab notebook: … _lib.ipynb

A recent Arduino TensorFlow Lite for Microcontroller library: …

Let me know if it works (or it does not) for you.


Gian Marco