Problem running TensorFlow Lite on Artemis boards

Has anyone been able to run TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers ( … ntal/micro) on one of the Artemis boards?

I have implemented a POC that is based on the code and toolchain of the Micro Speech example ( … cro_speech). The POC does not read any sensor data to start simple and just does inference over some example data that is packaged in the binary. The POC works on the Edge board, the Thing Plus and on OSX. In this regard I’m pretty happy with the results. But it does not run on the Artemis Blackboard and the Artemis Nano. On the Artemis boards the POC just stops somewhere during TensorFlow initialization. It might run into some memory fault but I don’t know.

What do people usually do to analyse such a problem, would this require a HW debugger like J-Link EDU Mini Programmer?

Has anyone a working example for TensorFlow Lite on Artemis? I don’t care what it is as long as the TF runtime starts up successfully.