TinyML with TFLite on RedBoard Artemis Nano

I’m working on a project where I’m trying to run a classifier ML model on the data from a spectral triad on a redboard artemis nano. I’m having trouble finding any instructions on how I would do this, and the artemis nano doesn’t seem to be on the list of supported boards for TFLite micro. However, on the product page, it is mentioned that the RedBoard Artemis Nano can be used for speech recognition with ML. Can you please help me figure out how I can do this?
Note: I’ve seen libraries such as ArduTFLite for different boards, and the official libraries seem rather complicated to work with. Is there a similar simple way to approach this?

Not really…usually you compile from source after hunting down the ML library you want and then flash it GitHub - sparkfun/mbed-os-ambiq-apollo3 at ambiq-apollo3-arduino

But! I did find this :slight_smile: tensorflow/lite/micro/examples/micro_speech/apollo3evb/audio_provider.cc - platform/external/tensorflow - Git at Google