ARDUOINO DUE - ZEDF9P and library Spakfun

Hello Everyone ,

I tried to connect ARDUINO DUE to ZED-F9P . I use I2C and Your library Sparkfun .

The same systems working fine with Arduino MEGA without problems .

Now I need more math precision and for this reason I tried to use ARDUINO DUE .

ZED and ARDUINO DUE working with 3.3 Volt .

I checked all channel in A. DUE SDA SCL and SCA1 SCL1 but not working .

I Tried to disable the Pull ’ up resistence … but nothing .

Can you test ZEDF9P to ARDUINO DUE and suggest me the correct Wire ?

In your opinion it is necessary some Fix in your library for Arduino DUE .

Your Library is very Complete and I nedd use This Again .

In My opinion Hight Precision GPS required also Hight Precision Math … and I think that ARDUINO DUE math is fine for ZED Family , olso your library is especially write for Arduino Enviroment .

Many thak for your Check and Suggest .

Also UART in ARDUINO DUE NOT WORKING … because Library #include <SoftwareSerial.h> not is ready for DUE Breadboard .

The Arduino DUE is the Enviroment more precision math that hight precision GPS Required … But I don’t find a goo way to connect it by this Library at the moment .

Unfortunately the library isn’t designed to work with a Due. You could modify the library to work but we’re not able to assist with that.