ARGOS ARTIC R2 - Not Seeing ARGOS 2 Messages on ARGOSWeb


I have two boards (ARGOS Satellite Transceiver Shield - ARTIC R2 and smôl ARTIC R2) that are both running a modified version of Example 17 in which we using the myARTIC.setPayloadARGOS2LatLong function with a set of coordinates. I have had these boards running for a couple of days and have confirmed via the Serial Monitor and a spectrum analyzer that they are transmitting at our set repetition period. I’ve also spoken with the folks at ARGOSWeb and confirmed that my Platform IDs are registered to my account, but am still not seeing any data populate on the site.

Are there any other configurations or things that I need to set? I am not receiving any feedback from the boards themselves that would imply there is an issue with how they are transmitting.



We learned recently that we had accidentally programmed some ARTIC R2 boards using the decimal platform ID, instead of the Hexadecimal one. I am very sorry about that.

Please return the boards to us via . We will reprogram them and get them back to you ASAP.

(If your project is time-critical, there is a software work-around we can share with you. But having the boards reprogrammed is the best solution.)

Apologies for the inconvenience,


Hi Paul,

Thanks for your quick reply. To make sure I’m understanding properly, do you mind clarifying which is the correct ID that should be transmitted? For example,

Platform ID: 123456

Hex Code: ABCDEF1

When I run the getPlatformID() function, I read the Platform ID as (hex) 123456. Should the function return the hex equivalent of (dec) 123456? Or should I see the (hex) ABCDEF1 as my Platform ID?

Thank you


The board should have been programmed with the Hexadecimal ID and that is what getPlatformID should be returning. But, from your reply, your board has indeed been incorrectly programmed with the Decimal ID. The satellite uplink will fail as it requires the Hex ID to be embedded in the message data, not the Decimal ID.



This was the problem, thank you for clarifying! I didn’t see anything on the SparkFun product website about this programming error, which has frankly led to a lot of wasted time debugging something that wasn’t our mistake. I wonder if there is value in putting a notice on the product page about this potential problem so that others will have an easier time in the future.


Good point - thank you. I’ve added warnings on both the product pages and the hook-up guides. We’ve only known about this since August 10th, but I should have done this sooner.

Apologies again for the inconvenience,
