Thanks to the moderator for answering my question before. Now I have a new problem.
I tested it with the sample code(arduino due + Example17_TransmitARGOS2Example ) for a few days, but found no data on Argosweb. Are there any details that I haven’t considered?
Retested following your instructions, doesn’t seem to work for me.
I found an interesting problem with Artic_R2 device mode setting SPARKFUN IOTA and template foemat setting SPARKFUN_GPS on Arogsweb platform.Will this affect the data transmitted by Artic_R2?
I am sorry you are having difficulty with the ARTIC R2 board.
We are given Platform IDs in ‘blocks’ and we allocate them to our three products: ARTIC R2 Breakout; IOTA and smôl. ARGOS Web have recorded “SPARKFUN IOTA” as the model - because they do not know which of the three boards you actually have. It is not important. It has no effect on the data transmitted by the ARTIC R2.
The “SPARKFUN GPS” template allows ARGOS to display the latitude and longitude of the transmitter by processing the GNSS data from Example11, Example12 or Example13. Again, it has no effect on the data transmitted by the ARTIC R2. When it works, the data will look like this:
I do not know what else to suggest. I am running Example17 again, just to make sure it works for me. I will reply again tomorrow and let you know if it worked.
You are welcome to return the board, so we can test it. It will take some time, but we will be happy to test it for you. Please fill in a return form and include a link to our discussion:
This is a puzzle. It could be a power issue. I see you have disconnected the White 5V jumper cable. But you still have red light from the LED on the breakout board. It must be getting “phantom” power through the SPI signals?
I will order a Due board so I can replicate your setup. It will take a few days to arrive.
Are you searching in ARGOS Web correctly? You need to select “Data” and “View Your Data”. Then enter your Platform ID number and click “Search”. The Platform ID number is the six digit number starting with 22 - not the hexadecimal number used in the code. You can also search by Program Number.
The SPI pins may be able to provide enough power to light up the LEDs, but they will not be able to provide enough power for transmit. It is important that you have a good connection from 5V on the Due to VUSB on the ARTIC R2.
I now have a Due board. I have connected it as follows:
Due → ARTIC R2
5V (Red wire) → VUSB
GND (Black wire) → GND
COPI (Grey wire) → COPI
SCK (White wire) → SCLK
CIPO (Purple wire) → CIPO
24 (Yellow wire) → CS
3 (Purple wire) → G8
4 (Blue wire) → BOOT
5 (Green wire) → INT1
6 (Yellow wire) → INT2
7 (Orange wire) → RESETB
8 (Red wire) → POWER EN
9 (Brown wire) → RF EN
I am using the Due Programming Port for data and power. I am running Example17. The only change I have made is to set the repetitionPeriod to 90000.
The example is running now. I will reply later and tell you if the messages are being received by ARGOS.
Using the IC-R30 was a very good idea. It proves the board is transmitting.
How many hours was your system transmitting for?
Did you use the pass predictor and choose passes with a high “Middle elevation”? Elevations above 45 degrees are best.
If you have buildings or trees in one direction, you can choose passes where the “Middle azimuth” is in the opposite direction. I do that when testing the system in my garden. My house blocks the view East, so I choose passes with a high elevation to the West.
Please note that the pass times are UTC (GMT), not local time.
I cannot help with the ARGOSWeb configuration. You will need to contact Woods Hole Group - or whoever issued you with your Programme number. I wonder if it is something to do with the “Whale” and “Average Speed” configuration? I have no experience with that - sorry.
I think I’ve found the cause, my ArticR2 is having trouble matching on the Argosweb platform, and now I’ve contacted the techs at ArogsWeb.
I talk about my testing process, I hope it is useful to others.
I modified the readPlatformID and used a normal HexCode to verify that Arogsweb received my data. In fact, the normal HexCode of ArticR2 can be received by Argosweb, which means that my module is normal, but my original HexCode is not recognized by Arogsweb, I am contacting Argosweb’s technical staff and hope they can help me.