Argos_R2 Breakout No satellite signal detected

ARTIC R2 Firmware Status:

The firmware n progress:

MCU Instruction Progress: Receive One Message in progress.

set. The firmware is receiving.

ARTIC R2 instruction progress:

MCU Instruction Progress: Receive One Message in progress.


ARTIC R2 is booting…

ARTIC R2 boot was successful.

Your Platform ID is: 0xXXXXXX(manual shielding)

ARTIC R2 Firmware Status:

The firmware status IDLE flag is set. The firmware is idle and ready to accept commands.

TX configuration: ARGOS PTT-A3.

RX configuration: ARGOS 3.

Setting the RX mode to ARGOS 3…

MCU command result: success. The configuration command has been accepted.

TX configuration: ARGOS PTT-A3.

RX configuration: ARGOS 3.

Starting message reception…

ARTIC R2 Firmware Status:

The firmware status BUSY flag is set. The firmware is busy changing state.

ARTIC R2 MCU instruction result:

MCU command result: success. The configuration command has been accepted.

ARTIC R2 Firmware Status:

The firmware status RX_IN_PROGRESS flag is set. The firmware is receiving.

ARTIC R2 instruction progress:

MCU Instruction Progress: Receive One Message in progress.

ARTIC R2 Firmware Status:

The firmware status RX_IN_PROGRESS flag is set. The firmware is receiving.

ARTIC R2 instruction progress:

MCU Instruction Progress: Receive One Message in progress.

ARTIC R2 Firmware Status:

The firmware status RX_IN_PROGRESS flag is set. The firmware is receiving.

ARTIC R2 instruction progress:

MCU Instruction Progress: Receive One Message in progress.

ARTIC R2 Firmware Status:

The firmware status RX_IN_PROGRESS flag is set. The firmware is receiving.

ARTIC R2 instruction progress:

MCU Instruction Progress: Receive One Message in progress.

ARTIC R2 Firmware Status:

The firmware status RX_IN_PROGRESS flag is set. The firmware is receiving.

ARTIC R2 instruction progress:

MCU Instruction Progress: Receive One Message in progress.

The equipment has been detecting satellite signals. Why

2 things:

It’s not going to work very well indoors

Also check out … prediction

Satellite Pass Prediction

There are currently only seven satellites carrying ARGOS instrumentation. This means that there are frequently times when there are no satellites overhead and that you need to wait until the next satellite rises if you want to avoid wasted transmissions.

There can be fairly large gaps between passes - test it outdoors … --artic-r2 for a longer period and see how that goes

Hi,TS-Russell I tested outdoors for a few days and didn’t get the results I wanted。I added getINT1() print information to the Example5_ReceiveOneMessage,But no interrupt occurs in INT1

Hello @tanggg,

Have you tried one of the TransmitARGOS3 examples? Did the message transmit correctly? Did it appear on ARGOS Web?

If you do not have a GNSS (GPS) module, you can use Example18 to transmit data ‘continuously’. You should change line 50 so that the repetitionPeriod is 90000 milliseconds (90 seconds) to match your user agreement:

const unsigned long repetitionPeriod = 90000; // Define the repetition period in milliseconds

How did you queue the downlink message? Did you use the web interface? Are you sure you provided the correct Platform ID and location?

I hope this helps,


Also, you can use Example7 to test message reception - without needing to queue a downlink message. Example7 is a good place to start.

Best wishes,


Hello @tanggg,

Apologies. My first reply was not correct. “How did you queue the downlink message? Did you use the web interface? Are you sure you provided the correct Platform ID and location?” was not correct. I was getting Example5 and Example6 confused. Example6 will only receive messages for your specific Platform ID. Example5 should receive any message - including broadcasts.

I am running Example5 now to see if I can receive a message. Only satellites MC and SR have operating downlink transmitters, so I will need to wait until those pass overhead.

I will reply again later.

Best wishes,


Hello @tanggg,

Example5 worked for me:

11:12:48.354 →

11:12:48.354 → ARGOS ARTIC R2 Example

11:12:48.354 →

11:12:48.354 → ARTIC R2 is booting…

11:12:48.354 →

11:12:50.119 → ARTIC R2 boot was successful.

11:12:50.119 →

11:12:50.119 → Your Platform ID is: 0x*******

11:12:50.119 → ARTIC R2 Firmware Status:

11:12:50.119 → The firmware status IDLE flag is set. The firmware is idle and ready to accept commands.

11:12:50.119 →

11:12:50.119 → TX configuration: ARGOS PTT-A3.

11:12:50.119 → RX configuration: ARGOS 3.

11:12:50.119 → Setting the RX mode to ARGOS 3…

11:12:50.166 → MCU command result: success. The configuration command has been accepted.

11:12:50.166 → TX configuration: ARGOS PTT-A3.

11:12:50.166 → RX configuration: ARGOS 3.

11:12:50.166 →

11:12:50.166 → Starting message reception…

11:12:50.166 →

11:12:50.166 → ARTIC R2 Firmware Status:

11:12:50.166 → The firmware status BUSY flag is set. The firmware is busy changing state.

11:12:50.213 →

11:12:50.213 → ARTIC R2 MCU instruction result:

11:12:50.213 → MCU command result: success. The configuration command has been accepted.

11:12:50.213 →

11:12:51.187 →

11:12:51.187 → ARTIC R2 Firmware Status:

11:12:51.187 → The firmware status RX_IN_PROGRESS flag is set. The firmware is receiving.

11:12:51.233 →

11:12:51.233 → ARTIC R2 instruction progress:

11:12:51.233 → MCU Instruction Progress: Receive One Message in progress.

11:12:52.242 →

11:44:38.774 → ARTIC R2 Firmware Status:

11:44:38.774 → The firmware status RX_IN_PROGRESS flag is set. The firmware is receiving.

11:44:38.774 →

11:44:38.774 → ARTIC R2 instruction progress:

11:44:38.774 → MCU Instruction Progress: Receive One Message in progress.

11:44:39.774 →

11:44:39.774 → ARTIC R2 Firmware Status:

11:44:39.774 → The firmware status IDLE flag is set. The firmware is idle and ready to accept commands.

11:44:39.774 → The firmware status RX_VALID_MESSAGE flag is set. A message has been received.

11:44:39.822 → The firmware status IDLE_STATE flag is set. The firmware has returned to the idle state.

11:44:39.822 → The firmware status DSP2MCU_INT1 flag is set. Interrupt pin 1 is high.

11:44:39.822 → INT1 pin is high. Valid message received!

11:44:39.822 →

11:44:39.822 → ARTIC R2 instruction progress:

11:44:39.822 → MCU Instruction Progress: Receive One Message is complete. A valid message has been received.

11:44:39.822 →

11:44:39.822 → Message reception is complete!

11:44:39.822 →

11:44:39.822 → Message received:

11:44:39.822 → Payload length: 114

11:44:39.822 → Addressee ID: 0x35BAE13

11:44:39.868 → ADCS: 0xA

11:44:39.868 → Service: 0x4B

11:44:39.868 → FCS: 0x6D98

11:44:39.868 → Payload buffer: 0x6DAA11CDC3E675

11:44:39.868 →

11:44:39.868 → We are done. Freezing…

Based on the time of the pass, the message must have come from satellite NP or possibly MB. So that satellite must be broadcasting data even though both are “downlinkStatus” : “Downlink transmitter OFF”…

All I can suggest is that you use the system outdoors, with a good view of the sky, well away from buildings if possible. I live in a city, so I am using a wide-band antenna mounted on the roof of my house. The connection to the ARTIC R2 board is 15m of RG58 cable. … 00_web.pdf

I hope this helps,
