Artemis Argos Artic R2 module: is Argos-3 IDC mode possible?

I am interested in using the Artic R2 + Artemis modules as PTTs using Argos-3 HD. It suppose to be an interactive mode (IDC) where under a PTT requests, the Argos reciever open a session with a “go-ahead” message and then, the PTT is able to uplink quickly the data upon ACK messages from Argos DCS for each PTT message send, however I have neither found any example in the Arduino examples that covers that functionality, nor the mentioned documentation - AS3-SP-516-273-CNES - to try an implementation from my side. There is any examples covering this inter active mode or any place where i can found more information using the Artic R2 in this mode?

Thank you for your help
