Artemis Global Tracker bootloader issues

I believe I accidentally deleted the bootloader off my AGT. I’m trying to upload Example 16 with a user function for a qwiic relay. When I attempt to upload code, I get the error “Target failed to enter bootload mode. Verify the right COM port is selected and that your board has the SVL bootloader.”, and when I click burn bootloader, I get

Header Size = 0x80

original app_size 0x3290 ( 12944 )

load_address 0xc000 ( 49152 )

app_size 0x3290 ( 12944 )

w0 = 0xcb003310

Security Value 0x10

w2 = 0x10008080

addrWord = 0xc000

versionKeyWord = 0x0

child0/feature = 0xffffffff

child1 = 0xffffffff

crc = 0x826a7429

Writing to file C:\Users\myrealname\Arduino15\packages\SparkFun\hardware\apollo3\1.1.1/bootloaders/artemis/artemis_svl_OTA_blob.bin

testing: C:\Users\myrealname\Arduino15\packages\SparkFun\hardware\apollo3\1.1.1/bootloaders/artemis/artemis_svl_OTA_blob.bin

Header Size = 0x60

app_size 0x3310 ( 13072 )

Writing to file C:\Users\myrealname\Arduino15\packages\SparkFun\hardware\apollo3\1.1.1/bootloaders/artemis/artemis_svl_Wired_OTA_blob.bin

Image from 0x0 to 0x3310 will be loaded at 0x20000

Connecting over serial port COM3…




Tries = 3

Upload failed

Hi kbpiper01,

Can you please try using the Artemis Firmware Upload GUI? You’ll find instructions here: … r/binaries

You can use that tool to update or reset the bootloader, and upload binary versions of examples 1/14/15/16.

Can you also please try uploading the blink example (Example1_Blink) from the binary?

If all of that works then you’re back in business!

Normally, you shouldn’t need to update the bootloader. Please just make sure you have the SparkFun Artemis Module selected as the board type in the Arduino IDE and then use the normal upload button to update with your custom code.

Please let us know if this fixes your issue.

Best wishes,


Hi Paul,

When I try to update the bootloader using the Artemis Firmware Upload GUI, I get upload failed:

Sending Hello.

No response for command bytearray(b’\x00\x00\x08\x00’)

Failed to respond


Tries = 3

Upload failed!

When I try to upload the blink example, I get this:

Phase: Setup

Cleared startup blip

Phase: Bootload

Sending 9024 bytes in 5 frames

Error receiving packet

Unknown error

Sending frame #0, length: 0

Upload failed!

Hi kbpiper01,

Very strange… It does look like the bootloader has been corrupted.

Was the board working OK before before you started having problems? And may I ask what you were doing when the problems first started? I’m just trying to work out what happened - whether it is a programming issue or a strange hardware fault.

Many thanks,


It worked fine when I first got it. I ran the PHT test and everything agreed with my other MS8607.

I soldered a qwiic relay (didn’t want to use qwiic cables b/c space constraints), and when I tried to upload the AGT Example 16 code after that is when I started getting the error. For now I’m assuming it’s my fault and I must have shorted/overheated something while soldering. Just hoping I can salvage the board somehow!

Ah, OK. These things happen.

Were you soldering to the SCL/SDA/3.3V/GND pins near the SparkX logo in the top left corner of the board? Just for reference, those are connected to I2C Port 1 (which is shared with the MS8607 and the ZOE GNSS). So you would have needed to adjust your code accordingly.

I’ll ask our Tech Support experts for further guidance on the repair/return situation.

Best wishes,


Yeah it was those pins. Thanks for your help Paul!

If there’s an exchange situation, I’d be happy to exchange it for a Qwiic Iridium modem (SPX-16394)

I’m in Boulder currently, so if it’s easier to just bring it in, that’s an option.


We normally don’t offer a repair or return service for SparkX products, especially where the board has been modified and/or damaged, but we’d like to help you out if we can.

Can you please fill in a return request at:

and in the additional comments please include a link to our discussion ( viewtopic.php?p=217199#p217199 ).

When we receive your board, we’ll take a look at it and decide what to do next.

I’m afraid you cannot bring the board in in person, we are not accepting visitors at the moment to keep our staff safe during the COVID pandemic ( ). Thank you for your understanding.

Best wishes,


Hi Paul,

Thanks so much for your help!

There’s one last thing I was wondering about. It looks like the Iridium module is connected through serial to the Artemis on the AGT. I’m assuming there are no breakouts to wire this serial connection with an external processor (say- Artemis Nano)?

It’s good to see you’re taking COVID precautions!

Thanks for all your help!


If you take a look at the schematic, you’ll see the TX1 and RX1 test points. You will find those on the bottom of the board. … ematic.pdf

You will be able to eavesdrop on both signals, but you won’t be able to feed your own data to the Iridium modem unless you sever the connections to the Artemis. Doing so will of course mean we cannot attempt to repair the board for you.

Best wishes,


Alright I’ll just send it in. Thanks again!