Artemis upload error: "COM## is currently open."

I can now compile, but I cannot load the code onto the board. I get a message indicating that the port is already open.

COM16 is currently open. Please close any other terminal programs that may be using COM16 and try again.

I changed from AVL to the Ambiq Secure Bootloader and my COM post issue was solved.

Can you please tell me more about your setup when you got the COM port error? I cannot reproduce this problem myself so more data points would be welcome. I am talking about operating system, Arduino IDE version, Apollo3 Boards version, USB-serial converter model etc…

All, the automatic installation of the core via the Arduino boards manager should be fixed as of now. Try that before following these steps.

I’m running Win10 on a Dell Laptop, Arduino 1.8.9, Artemis Blackboard SPX-15332.

Again, everything works when I use the AMBIQ boot loader. The COM port error was only present with AVL.

I followed your instruction to re-burn the loader and I can now use the AVL without the COM error. Thank you!

I am working on the Blackboard Artemis nano (Windows 7), and when I attempt to upload the blink program I get this error:

Artemis SVL Bootloader

COM5 is currently open. Please close any other terminal programs that may be using COM5 and try again.

Here are the steps I took to try to solve the problem:

  • downgraded the library from v1.0.6 to v1.0.5 (same problem)

  • upgraded the bootloader version (Artemis example-Advanced-Artemis Bootloader using Ambiq bootloader @ 115200, upload failed)

  • tried as well to reburn the bootloader @ 115200 and 921600 (failed)

  • slow down the upload frequency from 921600 to 115200) (same problem)

I could not solve the problem using the above solution, and it seems to be common among the users. Is there someone who figured out a definite solution to this problem.

Hi, maybe this user’s experience can help you?


115200 is the correct baud rate to use to burn the bootloader with any Artemis module. Until you get a success on the bootloader burn the SVL will not work (future releases will come with the SVL pre-installed, however)

You can also (for the time being) choose to use the Ambiq Secure Bootloader to upload sketches from Arduino. Just be aware that once you do the SVL will be erased and will require another ‘Burn Bootloader’ step to re-enable.

As a follow up on the previous message,

On the Arduino IDE, I have changed the bootloader to Ambiq and it produced an upload failed error for two different computers (Windows 7 and Window 10). In addition, I did try to upload with a different high quality cable (5Gb/s) and the same error messages were reproduced.

I am now wondering if the Apollo3 bundle is properly managing the whole USB sharing process on the IDE Arduino application V1.8.9. I am not a programming expert but I have been working with the Teensy series for quite a while and never encountered such uploading issues . Therefore, I was wondering if you are planning to upgraded short term the apollo3 libraries to make it as robust as the Teensy ones. I have bought four Artemis nano for testing and I am unfortuntely about to give up on this microcontroller which seemed so promissing.

I forgot to mention that the user’s experience mentionned in 207142, does not apply directly to the Artemis Nano since there is no button 14 available on the Nano.

What software/hardware/version set up makes this controller upload consistanlty ??

Here is the error message as I upload the “blink” code:

Artemis SVL Bootloader

COM6 is currently open. Please close any other terminal programs that may be using COM6 and try again.

Material: Artemis nano blackboard ( four boards)

  • Window 7.1, 8 and 10 (on four different computers)

  • Arduino IDE 1.8.9

  • USB A to USB C cable (5 Gb/s)

  • last version of CH340 driver + COM connection OK (uninstall, reinstall several times)

  • Apollo 3 bundle (version 1.0.7)

  • Apollo 3 bundle (version 1.0.6)

-Apollo 3 bundle (version 1.0.5) with artemis bootloader upgrade and burned @ 115200

  • tried lower baudrate down to 115200

  • upload with Sparfun SV loader and than with Ambiq @ 115200 (failed upload)

All those variations have failed !

I believe there is an issue with the CH340 driver or Apollo 3 bundle library. I know that several users have experienced this issue and I do not understand why no definite solution have been put forward by Sparkfun. I have wasted a lot of time with this micro controller and would like to be reimbursed for the four that I bought, or if you have a fix now, or plans for a future upgrade, please let me know.

I never had that many problems with a micro controller before. I would need an honnest answer about this issue.

Hello alcur,

Thank you for the information about your setup and test steps. These are very helpful, but I can’t tell from those alone what the problem is. Can you please turn on verbose output for the upload step and then walk us through the steps that you are taking in order, along with the full outputs? This would help us greatly.

Here’s how to enable verbose output:

The reason I want you to explain one more time is that the order that you do things matters here. From your description I get the impression that you tried the SVL bootloader first and then tried the ASB. To use the SVL you must first perform the ‘Burn Bootloader’ step using the ASB as the programmer. Then you may continue to use the SVL until you use the ASB to upload a sketch - that will overwrite the SVL and another ‘Burn Bootloader’ step will be necessary.

Hi Alcur & LS, I think I had this error in my travels, and was surprised at it in the midst of correctly working things.

I fixed it by plugging the USB cable into a different port on my computer. Worth a try if you haven’t already.

