ATMEGA32 bootloader [use Arduino as ISP programmer]


I am trying to upload a arduino bootloader on the atmega32.

I did thouse steps:

Installing the arduino atmega32 conf files from here:

then I connceted thouse…

from the arduino board to the atmega32:

13 to 8

12 to 7

11 to 6

reset to 9


5v to vcc

(I removed the atmega168 from the arduino board.)

Then I chose the ATMEGA32 board and used the “Arduino as ISP” option from the bootloader menu.

the error I got is :


avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00

avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51

What did I done wrong?Is there any other good c/java compiler exept the arduino compiler?

Thank you.

ATMEGA32 datasheet: … oc2503.pdf

Here’s what your trying to do:

Bounce code from the arduino board straight to the atmega32

Here’s what you need to do:

1.FLASH the Atmega 328(or in your case the 168) with the Arduino as ISP program

2.use the “arduino as isp” option for the board.

Check out this tutorial on programming a bootloader. Since you just have a chip you will not have the second Arduino board, just check the pinouts and connect to the correct pins

Tutorial -

Pinouts (168 is the same as 328) - … inMap2.png

(I removed the atmega168 from the arduino board.)

You don't want to do that if you're using the Arduino as an ISP programmer ("ArduinoISP")

You’d only want to do this (and only “maybe”) if you’re using the FTDI-hack that lets you use the FTDI chip itself as the programmer (with special PC-side software.)