As per ATMEL pin configuration for an attiny85
from pin 1 to 8 are listed as
Chip pin # 1 - PB5
Chip pin # 2 - PB3
Chip pin # 3 - PB4
Chip pin # 4 - GND
Chip pin # 5 - PB0
Chip pin # 6 - PB1
Chip pin # 7 - PB2
Chip pin # 8 - VCC
As per Sparkfun electronics attiny85 Arduino Quick reference sheet,
you can use pin 0 to 4 for general purpose I/O pins
0 = Chip pin # 5
1 = Chip pin # 6
2 = Chip pin # 7
3 = Chip pin # 2
4 = Chip pin # 3
my question is this one, is it possible using the Attiny85 AVR Programmer to have access to chip pin # 1,
and if so how do you access-it
I try the following
and try to write a value in that port of high or low,
the software upload without any problem, but the chip dye, and nothing happens annymore
Am I using the proper syntax ?
Otherwise what is required in order for me to use this pin # 1 of the Attiny85
I need 1 extra output, could be digital or analog.
Otherwise it seems like I might have to use attiny84 instead.