AWS IoT ExpressLink SARA-R5 Starter Kit V2 KIT-21229


I am trying to make an IoT kit work, but I am having troubles.

I have followed the getting started guides but without luck, some things I have found are:

  • When I send an “AT+CONF? Certificate”, I only get OK, I do not get the certificate, how can I ay the device to generate one?

  • When I send “AT+CONNECT”, I receive “RR14 2 UNABLE TO CONNECT Network registration failed. For further details, refer to AT+DIAG CEER”, not the expected “ERR14 UNABLE TO CONNECT Certificate generation completed. Proceed to register device with AWS cloud and then try to connect again.”

So I do not know what to do, I am using the Hologram SIM that comes in the kit, and it is activated and has money on it.

Thank you

Best regards

Are you starting from here? That device has its own set of AT commands, compare the one’s at the link with the ones being used to ensure they’re the same

It looks the error is on the AWS side of things; have you gone into your AWS and approved credentials?


I have tried with … 042016.pdf and … elgsg.html without luck

Thank you!

We will look into this and see how to best proceed here.