I want to purchase a USB controlled unit to convert from my manual DW Instek SFG-2110 signal generator.
The reason for the switch is because I have about a dozen frequencies from 30hz to 5000hz which I want to batch mode output (by selecting a pre-recorded or pre-designed saved configuration of all the frequencies and run times) individually and sequentially from the replacement USB Signal Generator I am going to purchase.
My current output settings on the Instek are: 1) BNC output 2) 4.8+ DC offset and 3) Triangle Wave output.
My needs are to :
Reproduce my old output per the settings above
Easily create and save the dozen frequencies & run times as a configuration for simple playback
Avoid getting cheap garbage or an overpriced unit
Keeping it simple to match my lack of engineering chops and experience
Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.