BatchPCB DRCbot thinks my silkscreen layers are soldermask

Greetings all.

The subject line says it all; the DRC bot seems to think my silkscreen layers are soldermask when I upload a project. When I upload the gzip file, I specifiy which gerber file is which layer, and the confirmation image I get back always shows the layer mismatch. There’s no silkscreen at all, so those files seem to be ignored entirely. The copper layers are properly rendered.

When I get my PCBs back, everything is fine, but I’m wondering if I’m slowing down the process, by forcing someone to manually adjust the layer assignments. If that’s the case, I hope it’s getting caught before it ruins a panel run.

Is there a naming convention for the layers? I use pcb version 20070208 on Linux; it gives all the layers the suffix “gbr”, but I could easily write a shell script to re-name the layers.

Thanks for any help.

The image creation that Batch PCB does is incorrect. It’s not an issue with your Gerbers, it happens with everyone. This has been brought up before. I’m not certain how hard it is to fix, but it obviously isn’t high on their priority list. As long as it shows the correct layers in the correct places when you upload the separate layers, it’s fine. Don’t go by the final images that they merge together.

…and they are just slow. I don’t think there’s anything you can do to speed up the process. After my one order from Batch PCB, I just can’t wait over a month from upload to received boards.