BLE Change Request- Increase max peripheral connections from 3 to 7

Hi Sparkfun team,

Can you increase the max peripheral connections from the mbed default of 3 to 7? Your Apollo3 module is capable of supporting up to 7 simultaneous BLE connections. From what I’ve read, it’s a simple change to the mbed configuration: … /issues/40 but it requires recompiling libmbed.

Apollo3 Blue MCU Datasheet, Section 6.1.1: “The BLE controller and host can be configured to support up to seven simultaneous connections on chip revision A1 (4 on chip revision B0).”

For which Artemis board do you need this ? (ATP, NANO etc?).

Be aware that the A0 / A1 was mainly used in the early versions of EDGE-versions, the later boards mainly have B0. You can check with the attached sketch. (819 Bytes)

I was thinking you’d want to make the change across the whole ecosystem to keep things consistent board to board.

I’m using 1x Red Board Artemis (central device) and 7x Nano (peripheral) at the moment

I am not Sparkfun (but a volunteer). I have generated the MBED lib multiple times.

If you want to get this changed for all versions, I think a GitHub request is better:

I will try to make it for the Red board and Nano and post a link later

Created for 7 connections : Nano, RED board and ATP. You can download from!AvgMkLxXj95qh6Z0jkb … A?e=G9oz99.

Based on V2.2.1

Make sure to copy it to the variants/board-name/mbed folder.


I’m not sure what to do with this. How do I recompile? Will I need to reflash my boards?

I am not Sparkfun (but a volunteer). I have generated the MBED lib multiple times.

If you want to get this changed for all versions, I think a GitHub request is better:

I will try to make it for the Red board and Nano and post a link later

Is Sparkfun using the github branch? Their mbed tutorial said they have their own fork

They have their own fork… ( … 26545c4f84). It is version 6.0

It is nearly impossible to keep up with the constantly changing MBED-OS "Feature releases of Mbed OS are made available on a roughly quarterly basis. We release patch releases every two weeks. " (source:

I have created a library version of the latest quarterly released MBED-OS (6.17) With a lot of testing and applying 15 changes in the MBED-OS GitHub version I got it stable to run. e.g. for some reason the folder structure changed, BLE setup changed, the lowpower timer implementation changed, the default MBED-OS compiler options and a number of the default configuration setting do not apply to Apollo3 etc .etc.

It would mean every time a LOT of (costly) testing, potentially introducing more errors without getting a much of benefit as many changes seem to be made to support more platforms and/or include more drivers for hardware. These drivers are NOT used in the ArduinoIDE environment.